The Mlada Boleslav city

The Mlada Boleslav city was established in the second half of the 10th century.

It is a city with a rich history and a widely developed industry. It has 13 metropolitan districts now. The oldest city’s history dates back to the 10th century, when the fort Novy Boleslav was created. It was during the reign of Boleslav II and this fort endured to 1262. Periods of rise and fall were reciprocating in more than thousand years of history. From the late 15th and in the early 17th century the city was an important center of Brethren church. It had positive results in education, architecture and level of social life.

Very important for further development of the city were constructions of railways, roads and the construction of The Laurin & Klement factory which firstly produced bicycles and motorbikes. Its first car was produced in in 1905. At the peresent time Laurin & Klement employs half of the population of the city which is 43 000 inhabitants. The Skoda brand, which replaced the original Laurin & Klement label in 1925, is a part of multinational group Volkswagen from 1991. Its History and present significantly contribute to the fame of the city in Czech Republic and abroad.
More than thousand years of history grace the face of the city by numbers of unique monuments which are worthy to know.

City Palace Templ

Emperor's house

Late Gothic town palace was built in 1488- 1493 as a seat of governor Jan Cisar z Hliniku. The three- storey building is a gem of Vladislav- Jagiellonian Gothic. Nowadays, it serves as an exhibiton hall where literal and musical programs take place. There was opened the permanent regional multimedial museum exposition Templum Historicum et Archeologicum Boleslaviense as an initiative of the city.


Museum of Mlada Boleslav

Originally a wooden fort from the 10th century was rebuilt to the Gotic stone castle in second quarter of the 14th century in the reign of Lords of Michalovice , in the 15th century on late gothic castle and in the first half of the 16th century in the reign of Krajiri z Krajku it was rebuilt on renaissance chateau. It was desolate after Thirty Years’ War and after hundred years in the reign of Josef II it was transformed into military barracks that were there to 1938. Castle is a seat of District Museum since 1972 and a seat of a State District Archive since 1997. In the interior of the castle are located exposures composed of the most valuable exhibitions from historical and geographical collections.

Unity of Brethen church

Three-body building with elements of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance style was built in 1544- 1554 by M. Borgorelli for Brethen church. It was a meeting place of Reform church which then spread literacy. Opening of congregation was a manifestation of the anti- Habsburg revolt. The building symbolizes the fate of the Czech nation. It was St Wenceslaus Catholic church since 1623, military depot after 1787 and in 1910- 1968 a seat of the regional museum. The builing was used as an exhibition and a concert hall after the reconstruction. It is an important monument of Mlada Boleslav and thanks to its design it is one of the oldest Renaissance basilica outside Italy. The city uses the building as a gallery for holding long-term and temporary exhibitions and also for organizing concerts.

Old Town Hall

observation tower

Spectacular Renaissance building of The Old Town Hall is rich decorated with ornamental and sgrafitto decorations. It was built in 1554- 1559 by the italian architekt Matteo Borgorelli. The front facade is decorated by sgraffito with figures and scenes of saints and evangelits from the Old and New Testaments. The reconstruction of the building was completed in the second half of the 19th century and it’s wings were reconstructed in 1939- 1941. Parts of The Old Town Hall are two towers- higher quadrilateral tower (height of the parapet is 31,8 m). Its present form is dated from 1779 and it was opened up in 2001.

Skoda Auto Museum

Skoda Auto Museum was inaugurated in September, 1995 on the occasion of 100 anniversary of the company established by Laurin and Klement. To this end, the historic buildings of an „old factory“ in the edge of today’s modern factory have been renovated. Museum recieved a nomination for the building of the year on FOR ARCH 97 building fair in 1997. The Museum is equipped with a barrier-free access. These days it is one of the most visited attraction in Mlada Boleslav.

City Theatre Mlada Boleslav

Theatre Art Nouveau building was built between 1906 – 1909. Interior corresponds to the original project of the Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer. The outershape is built in the secession style by Rudolf Krizenecky and Emil Kralik. Pylons in forefront are made by Jan Stursa. The Author of painted curtain is Theodor Hilser. The theathre became active in the drama scene since 1945. Municipal theathre was opened on July 1, 1945. There was created a new permanent professional troupe, which featured by actor celebrities as Ladislav Frej or Kveta Fialova. Theatre managed to raise a number of talended young actors in a short period of its existence.

Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish cemetery was established in the Boleslav Castle, on the hillside above the river Klenice, probably in the 16th century. It has long been considered that the local oldest tombstone dates from 1604. Nevertheless, during the last restoration, there were discovered even older gravestones which were not exactly dated yet. Mlada Boleslav Jewish Cemetery has only a small competition among the Jewish cemeteries in central Bohemia; comparable values are only in Kolin Jewish Cemetery and Brandys nad Labem Jewish Cemetery. Area of Mlada Boleslav Jewish Cemetery is kept in a uniquely complex quality. Jewish cemetery can be visited individually or in the groundsman, who can provide an interpretation on request. Visiting rules adhere to the traditional Jewish practice. Unlike most sites, this open-air museum, along with two exhibits opens on Monday. Its visit is not possible on Saturdays and other Jewish holidays.

Observatory Mlada Boleslav

Observatory is situated on the premises of 9th Basic School on 17th November Street. It is a public educational institution operating since 1996. Its professional activities focus on studying the historical development of astronomy and its methods and on this subject are prepared articles for its publications (obcasnik Hvezdnik). Observatory informs the general public about what is happening in the sky.